
Legal notices

According to the law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 of the LCDE (Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy).

Company name : SAS Grossiste Francochine with capital of 1 640 000€
Address : 2 route de l'Ouest, 94380 Bonneuil Sur Marne, France
SIRET : 80849609500031
Code APE : 4690Z
VAT Number : FR 968 084 960 95
Phone :
Website : https://www.gfc-provap.com 


The owner of the website ensures responsibility of provided information and ensures the best updating and accuracy of this information. He reserves the right to change the content at any time and without notice. All trademarks mentioned on this site (including the manufacturers of sold products on the site) belong to their respective firms. All products, logos and images mentioned on this site belong to their respective brands.

Personal data processing

The information from the user registration on the website when ordering or when creating an account will be kept confidential and in no case will disclosed to third parties.


Hyperlinks on this website to other external websites do not engage the responsibility of GFC ProVap for the content of these sites. The establishment of a hyperlink to our site is free and does not require authorization.

Site hosting

OVH SAS with capital of €10 059 500
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Headquarters : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.


The company GROSSISTE FRANCOCHINE (hereinafter "GFC Provap"), registered with the Trade and Companies Register of CRETEIL under number 808 496 095 and whose headquarters is located 2 Route de l'Ouest in BONNEUIL-SUR-MARNE, publishes a website www.gfc-provap.com/en, intended for professionals, individuals or legal entities, resellers on a regular basis of electronic cigarettes (electronic vaping devices) and refills of these products (e-liquids), and various accessories related to the electronic cigarette.

GFC Provap, as part of the collection and processing of Personal Data on the website www.gfc-provap.com/en and the registration process of the User to be able to buy online, acts as a controller, and complies with the applicable regulations on Personal Data, resulting from the provisions of the Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on the Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and the free movement of such Personal Data (RGPD).  

GFC Provap hereby sets forth its Personal Data protection policy (hereinafter the "Policy"), the purpose of which is to inform about the commitments and concrete measures implemented to ensure the respect and protection of personal data.

If you have any questions, you can contact us: 

  •          By email : securite@dpo-gfc.fr ;
  •          By customer support : available on the website.




    Personal Data is defined as information relating to a natural person identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, through an identification number or one or more characteristics that are unique to him (hereinafter "Personal Data").

    GFC Provap collects the following Personal Data during a direct communication from the User: 

    •          Information relating to the identification of the User, for professional individuals: name, first name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone number (fixed and mobile). / for legal entities: company name, legal form, SIREN, SIRET and intra-community VAT numbers, address of the registered office...
    •          User's connection data: login, password, information on the terminal used, IP address; 
    •          Non-compulsory information communicated by the User in particular within the framework of our surveys or polls, or at his own initiative in particular within the framework of the heading "contact" of the Web site: e-mail address, PDF file and message.

    GFC Provap collects the Data of its Users via its contact forms or account creation. 

    GFC Provap does not ask for any banking data, insofar as the site of the concerned bank collects itself the banking information for the purposes of payment of the bought products. The bank card numbers, the information necessary to make an express transfer are collected either by the Fintecture company (IBAN, bank card numbers, etc...), or directly from the payment interface of the website of the User's bank for a transfer. Thus, the User does not go through the GFC Provap website. 

    GFC Provap collects certain Personal Data indirectly, without it being necessary that the User communicates them expressly. This is navigation information such as cookies. 

    The collection of Personal Data via forms on the GFC Provap website is limited to what is strictly necessary. Each time, GFC Provap specifies the optional or obligatory character of the answers by the means of a red cross. 

    The User may refuse to provide such information, but access to products sold through the CFG Provap website will not be possible. He will only have access to the presentation pages of the GFC Provap website without the possibility to finalize any action whether it is to buy the products of the catalog or, beforehand, to create a personal account.


    The consent of the User is the necessary and prior condition for any collection of Personal Data by GFC Provap, limited to the sole needs of its commercial activity, to the need to comply with a possible legal or regulatory obligation or any legitimate interest, and in particular for the following purposes :


    •          When the User wishes to purchase GFC Provap products;
    •          In order to verify the authenticity of the information necessary to identify the User and to proceed to the verification of the respect of the conditions to authorize by the internal team the creation of a personal account on the Web site of GFC Provap;
    •          To authenticate the User when he/she logs into his/her Personal Account to use the Provap CFG website;
    •          In order to analyze the data during the navigation and the choice of the products by the User on the Web site of GFC Provap and to provide recommendations of products or partner services;
    •          In the framework of statistical studies and research and development conducted by GFC Provap, with a view to constant improvement and development of its offer;
    •          For the treatment of complaints, security, prevention of unpaid bills and fraud, collection and litigation of any kind,
    •          During a possible recording of the conversations and communications: GFC Provap is likely to proceed to the recording of the conversations and communications on all supports at ends of improvement of the telephone reception and at possible evidential ends.


    Only persons duly authorized by GFC Provap, which applies a strict policy of access management and confidentiality, can access the information that the User may have communicated via the website of GFC Provap.

    Access to Personal Data is strictly limited to : 

    •          Authorized teams within GFC Provap in the context of the execution of their mission;
    •          Subcontractors that GFC Provap uses. Our subcontractors can only use the Data thus transmitted for the strict execution of their mission. As part of their contractual relationship with GFC Provap, these subcontractors undertake to comply with the regulations in force applicable to the processing of Personal Data, and in particular the Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (RGPD) ;
    •          The commercial partners of GFC Provap through which the Products of GFC Provap have been presented to the User ;
    •          Third parties authorized by law, such as judicial or administrative authorities.


    The Personal Data of Users are kept by GFC Provap only for the time necessary for the operations for which they were collected and in compliance with the applicable positive law.

    For the customers having created a personal account, the Data of their connection are preserved only on the last eleven, those beyond are automatically removed by the software.


    The processing and hosting of Personal Data is carried out by the company OVH in the European Union. 

    Nevertheless, if GFC Provap transfers Personal Data outside the territory of the European Union, GFC Provap guarantees that these transfers are executed to States, which are subject to an adequacy decision by the European Commission, justifying an adequate level of protection, as provided for in Article 45 of the European General Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data. 

    In the absence of an adequacy decision, GFC Provap may transfer Personal Data outside the European Union to Subcontractors, under the conditions provided for in Article 46 of the aforementioned Regulation.


    GFC Provap strives to ensure compliance with the three fundamental principles of computer security, namely: 

    -       Integrity: GFC Provap guarantees that the data are those classified by its collection system; 

    -       The availability : GFC Provap maintains the good functioning of the computer system from the beginning to the end of the operations; 

    -       Confidentiality : GFC Provap makes the information unintelligible to other people than the only actors authorized to know the existence of an operation.


    A cookie is defined by the http communication protocol as a short text sent by an http server to an http client, which the latter will send back the next time it connects to servers sharing the same domain name. It appears as a text file likely to be recorded, provided that the express consent of the User is obtained beforehand, in a dedicated space on the hard disk of his computer, tablet or SmartPhone, when consulting the GFC Provap website. 

    A cookie allows its sender to recognize the computer, tablet or SmartPhone in which it is stored, for a limited period of time.

    For more information, GFC Provap has published on its website its Cookies policy.


    Under Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, any User may exercise his or her rights, in particular to access or oppose, rectify or delete his or her Personal Data by contacting: 

    •          By email : securite@dpo-gfc.fr ;
    •          By customer support: available on the website. 

    GFC Provap reserves the right to request from the User any proof of his capacity to commit the company having created a personal account, by attaching to his request a copy of the supporting documents relating to the representation of the legal entity. The same applies to individuals working as sole proprietors or micro-businesses.  

    Any User also has, on the basis of Article 77 of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the right to refer the matter to any competent supervisory authority, such as the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), if he or she believes that the processing of his or her Personal Data violates the requirements of the applicable regulations on Personal Data.


    This Policy is likely to be modified according to the development of the GFC Provap Website and the catalog of its Products, as well as legislative and regulatory changes or according to the recommendations of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).  

    Therefore, the User of the GFC Provap website is invited to regularly consult this Policy which will be updated according to the aforementioned elements.